We accept job listings for high tech, software, and life sciences career opportunities if you are hiring in OC.
Our audience is full of Southern California software programmers, marketing and sales execs, medical researchers, designers, engineers, regulatory experts, customer service reps, clinicians, investors, business development pros, attorneys, financial experts, etc.
We're happy to share news of new local tech job opportunities with our audience via our popular OC Startups ecosystem blog job postings and in the twice-weekly free OCSC Newsletters, too.
If you are looking to recruit that kind of professional talent for staffing at high tech and software companies in Orange County, please review these criteria to see if your job listing qualifies for FREE posting:
Startup Jobs Listing Criteria
- Jobs are in the high tech, software, biotech, or medical devices startup and entrepreneur community in Orange County, California.
- The physical work location or company HQ is in Orange County.
- No multi-level marketing, "business opportunities" listings, etc.
- Co-founder or project-based opportunities allowed.
- Please note that it takes at least 2 weeks for job listings to get posted.
See recent Orange County startup jobs listings here.
[FREE OC STARTUP EVENTS & NEWS PUBLICITY, TOO: Want help promoting a Orange County startup event?: Submit OC Startup EVENTS Here. Or, have a press release or local startup company news to share?: Submit OC Startup NEWS Here.]
How to Submit Job Postings? Just Email Us!
Just EMAIL US the link of your hiring announcement and job description posted publicly online.
Please email info at ocstartupcouncil.org with the subject line "OC Startup Job Opening" and include a short intro and explanation of how we can help.
No Job Posting Yet?
If you don't have a public posting yet, you can use this job listing form to create one:
WHAT’S YOUR NEWS? - Submit your company news, deals, opinions, or job listings here for FREE PUBLICITY.
See the Directory of OC Startups. Join the OCSC to list your company, too!
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